I fell in a rabbit hole by checking out a game called WAY of the Samurai, then got sidetracked seeing a game on steam called BLADE of the Samurai that's 2 dollars rn and gives me major Mount and Blade vibes. It's seriously got so much different kinds of gameplay that I can't believe I've never heard of it before. There's stealth gameplay, dueling gameplay, battle gameplay, map painting, all tied together intelligently- and it all looks GOOD?! I can't put it to words but I just feel like this will scratch an itch that I desperately want scratched, but how have I never heard of it? Has it ever spawned a sequel, or inspired a game anything like it?
I don't go out of my way playing old games- only the stuff my older brother or cousins used to let me play on the Gameboy like Final Fantasy Tactics- and this is considerably older. Has it aged well? Or do you think that younger whippersnapper games like Warband and Bladestorm kill it? Silly question I'm sure, but honestly I just really want to hear more about this game and I'm trying to be more prudent on my money