by ohthatpatrick Mon Jan 01, 2018 8:25 pm
- Know all the normal game types (read books / watch lessons / educate yourself)
- Practice them until it's effortless to get all the answers correct in 8 mins or less. (a list of the ones in the two OG's we use is at the bototm)
- Redo games 3-5 days after your first play and then another 10-20 days after your first play (put these redo appointments on a calendar or you'll forget to do them)
- Make some of your practice UNTIMED practice where you attempt to get better at framing / finding deeper up front inferences.
Normal Ordering games:
Finishing 4 games? 5-7 mins
Finishing 3 games? 7-9 mins
Finishing 2 games? 12-15 mins
OG1, p.16, PT52, G1
OG1, p.98, PT54, G3
OG1, p.142, PT55, G3
OG1, p.152, PT56, G1
OG1, p.188, PT57, G1
OG1, p.240, PT58, G1
OG1, p.261, PT59, G2
OG1, p.263, PT59, G4
OG1, p.304, PT60, G1
OG1, p.305, PT60, G2
OG1, p.349, PT61, G2
OG1, p.351, PT61, G4
OG2, p.24, PT62, G1
OG2, p.27, PT62, G4
OG2, p.53, PT63, G2
OG2, p.54, PT63, G3
OG2, p.88, PT64, G1
OG2, p.124, PT65, G1
OG2, p.210, PT67, G2
OG2, p.256, PT68, G1
OG2, p.280, PT69, G1
OG2, p.328, PT70, G1
OG2, p.360, PT71, G1
OG2, p.366, PT71, G4
Normal Grouping games:
Finishing 4 games? 6-8 mins.
Finishing 3 games? 8-10 mins.
Finishing 2 games? 12-15 mins
OG1, p.17, PT52, G2
OG1, p.52, PT53, G1
OG1, p.96, PT54, G1
OG1, p.153, PT56, G2
OG1, p.241, PT58, G2
OG1, p.260, PT59, G1
OG1, p.262, PT59, G3
OG2, p.52, PT63, G1
OG2, p.91, PT64, G4
OG2, p.168, PT66, G1
OG2, p.172, PT66, G3
OG2, p.208, PT67, G1
OG2, p.258, PT68, G2
OG2, p.286, PT69, G4
OG2, p.330, PT70, G2
OG2, p.362, PT71, G2
Practice Setting Up Frames
Feel good about frames? 10 mins or less.
Not so good? Untimed (but must frame)
OG1, p.19, PT52, G4
OG1, p.18, PT52, G3
OG1, p.52, PT53, G1
OG1, p.53, PT53, G2
OG1, p.55, PT53, G4
OG1, p.97, PT54, G2
OG1, p.98, PT54, G3
OG1, p.99, PT54, G4
OG1, p.19, PT52, G4
OG1, p.18, PT52, G3
OG1, p.52, PT53, G1
OG1, p.53, PT53, G2
OG1, p.55, PT53, G4
OG1, p.97, PT54, G2
OG1, p.98, PT54, G3
OG1, p.99, PT54, G4
OG1, p.141, PT55, G2
OG1, p.152, PT56, G1
OG1, p.154, PT56, G3
OG1, p.155, PT56, G4
OG1, p.188, PT57, G1
OG1, p.189, PT57, G2
OG1, p.240, PT58, G1
OG1, p.260, PT59, G1
OG1, p.261, PT59, G2
OG1, p.305, PT60, G2
OG1, p.349, PT61, G2
OG1, p.350, PT61, G3
OG1, p.351, PT61, G4
OG2, p.24, PT62, G1
OG2, p.26, PT62, G3
OG2, p.54, PT63, G3
OG2, p.88, PT64, G1
OG2, p.89, PT64, G2
OG2, p.90, PT64, G3
OG2, p.91, PT64, G4
OG2, p.124, PT65, G1
OG2, p.125, PT65, G2
OG2, p.126, PT65, G4
OG2, p.168, PT66, G1
OG2, p.172, PT66, G3
OG2, p.208, PT67, G1
OG2, p.210, PT67, G2
OG2, p.256, PT68, G1
OG2, p.258, PT68, G2
OG2, p.262, PT68, G4
OG2, p.280, PT69, G1
OG2, p.282, PT69, G2
OG2, p.284, PT69, G3
OG2, p.286, PT69, G4
OG2, p.328, PT70, G1
OG2, p.362, PT71, G2
OG2, p.366, PT71, G4
PT52, G4 (hint: frame the either/or)
PT52, G3 (hint: frame T’s three positions)
PT53, G1 (hint: frame the ZY chunk)
PT53, G2 (hint: frame rule 2 or rule 3)
PT53, G4 (hint: frame S’s two positions)
PT54, G2 (hint: frame the NH chunk)
PT54, G3 (hint: frame the LM chunk)
PT54, G4 (hint: frame J is / isn’t 4th)
PT55, G2 (hint: frame H or J on 1st/last)
PT56, G1 (hint: frame the (GL) options)
PT56, G3 (hint: frame the MS rule)
PT56, G4 (hint: frame the F-H rule)
PT57, G1 (hint: frame the HG chunk)
PT57, G2 (hint: frame the Thu = Sat)
PT58, G1 (hint: frame G’s options)
PT59, G1 (hint: frame HI chunk)
PT59, G2 (hint: frame GK chunk)
PT60, G2 (hint: frame M – P vs. P – M)
PT61, G2 (hint: frame the either/or)
PT61, G3 (hint: frame Q’s four options)
PT61, G4 (hint: frame the GK chunk)
PT62, G1 (hint: frame P’s options)
PT62, G3 (hint: frame the QT1 chunk)
PT63, G3 (hint: frame R’s options)
PT64, G1 (hint: frame R’s options)
PT64, G2 (hint: frame rule 1)
PT64, G3 (hint: frame YS chunk)
PT64, G4 (hint: frame the FM chunk)
PT65, G1 (hint: frame the (HF) chunk)
PT65, G2 (hint: frame the three K’s)
PT66, G1 (hint: frame J – O’s three possibilities)
PT66, G2 (hint: frame P/R either or)
PT66, G3 (hint: frame the P/T and T/U rules)
PT66, G4 (hint: frame the W/t vs. Z/m rule)
PT67, G1 (hint: frame the geo in Friend)
PT67, G2 (hint: frame S’s options)
PT67, G3 (4 frames? RF and RM’s two options)
PT68, G1 (hint: frame K’s options)
PT68, G2 (hint: frame H’s options)
PT68, G4 (hint: frame S – Q vs. Q – S )
PT69, G1 (hint: frame the PG chunk)
PT69, G2 (hint: frame three 2/6 options)
PT69, G3 (hint: frame 4th rule)
PT69, G4 (hint: frame F’s three options)
PT70, G1 (hint: frame Z’s options)
PT71, G2 (hint: frame FL chunk)
PT71, G4 (hint: frame R_M chunk)